
Monday, 31 March 2014

Loko And Mandla Find A Way To Move On

sadBitter Sweet, was last night's Eviction. Much as it was so entertaining, some of the Housemates took a hard knock to the heart. Loko and Mandla to be specific. Having lost their resident sweethearts, this pair were as heart-broken as ever.

Emotional, it was an Eviction in the Big Brother Mzansi House. First off Kat couldn’t keep a dry eye as the Eviction drew closer because she was so scared her bestie, Iris, might leave. Instead, it appeared, Loko should have been so preemptive.

It was heart-wrenching when Poolie tried to see his beloved Loko for the last time. He dashed to the door as Loko tried to reach out but it was too late. Big Brother called for an immediate and effective departure. A grief-stricken Loko fell to the floor and wailed.

Later on, Loko took a moment to reflect on things. Inconsolable, she held a teddy bear, with Poolie's name tag on it, to her heart and then laid it on the bed they shared.

Lexi had to douse the fire that was Mandlexi when the time came for her to bow out of the game. At least the feisty couple got the chance to bid one another a tender goodbye as they were both up for Eviction. While the past week tried them, last night they were able to savour each moment with an understanding that one of them might go home. And savour it they did.

To remember their unconventional love, Mandla flipped out a pair of Lexi bloomers and struggled to get them on. Quite a memento there Mandla!

Emptied of its lovebirds we had to wonder how dynamics were going to play themselves out in the Big Brother House. It is now indeed every man and woman for themselves.

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