Upon her entrance, things got moved around in order to accommodate this free flowing form of dance.
‘Salsa’ is the Spanish word for sauce which fits in perfectly when describing the movements and expression of this fiery activity.
Kat was a lot more open and easy to teach than the boisterous Sol, who kept tripping over his own feet while staring into Kat’s eyes.
The instructor was beautifully patient with the two novice dancers and tried to make the lesson as easy as she could, it was a wonderful experience, especially for Kat who has been relaxing A LOT over the last three days, her smile was wide and spirits were high as they ebbed and flowed through each other’s paces.
Kat was in her element and as the dance moves evolved so did the variations of her beautiful smile. Even though she has been hot and cold toward Sol during their stay in Suite 501, the chemistry was undeniable during the dance class and eventually they blossomed as one, spicy salsa unit, moving and shaking all over that hotel suite.
Sol very clearly lacked some much needed rhythm and was seen stealing sips of his cocktail in between movements while Kat stayed focused and enjoyed the sensual style of dance.
Sol’s excuse is that he is a Dj and his job is to ‘make the people dance’ not to learn to dance himself.
Funny because Sol had a lot to say about ex-Housemate Jase during Dance week. What was that you said about Karma?
By the end of the lesson however, both the Housemates had done pretty well and demonstrated what they had learned for the instructor where Sol threw in more improvisation than anything else, this made everyone laugh.
As the lesson was about to come to an end, the instructor asked if she could have two minutes to teach the radio Dj a ‘dip’ , which ended things off on a high note.
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