
Friday, 4 April 2014

Dinner 40 Meters High In The Joburg sky

dinnerFinal Friday Night Games of this year's Big Brother Mzansi and in trace of the big finale set for Sunday, Biggie served the Housemates with an experience only the few privilledged will ever get; a dinner 40 meters high in the Joburg sky, that's 132 feet, vertigo anyone?

Housemates were led by the helmet-clad ninja's to the Arena where they were met with the vision of the crane that would lift them to new heights as they enjoyed an hour long dinner. However, an experience like this comes with safety precautions, a fall would be a long way down.

Housemates were under no circumstances allowed to unstrap themselves.

During the dinner in the sky, Housemates will be given fun games to play as a form of entertainment and for obvious reasons, alcohol consumption will be curbed.

After 30 minutes in the sky, Big Brother will allow Housemates to bump the fun and allow Housemates to play drinking games. However drinks will be served at Biggie's discretion as advised by the safety officer.

Ninjas were harnessed to the table so as to be at the Housemate's beck and call as they were hoisted into the Joburg autumn night sky.

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1 comment:

  1. […] Time check; 10:05: Dinner in the skies, what a pleasant surprise that must have been for our finalists, read it all here. […]
