
Thursday, 3 April 2014

Worms, Snakes, Spiders evade the House!

akAs part of the Endurance task, Biggie handed out another task to the finalists and unlike the previous tasks that he's been giving out since Tuesday, this particular one was rather scary especially to the ladies.

They were to feel and not see what they were about/feeling thus this kind of scenario was met with mixed feelings from the likes of Kat and Iris who expressed their fear ahead of the task but trust Biggie housemates, he would never hurt you, he's a man with a golden heart.

Well, it all started with Mandla who got into his box and felt it's contents, he concluded that it was a centipede, nice try Mandla but that it was't that.

Kat came second with tears rolling down her cheeks, she made her way towards the wall of mysteries. Luckily enough, Kat was spot-on with her guess that her container had snakes. How scary that was for Loko who was still in the line.

Sol went in next and he shouted, it's a spider because it has six legs, well he was right that it was a spider but wrong about the number of legs, they were eight Sol.

Loko took her chance in a more dramatic way, she was armed with a cigarette in one hand. She guessed that it was a 'Jelly' but she only came close as it was a goo.

A terrified Iris took her chance and cried out that it was a crocodile, wrong guess there Iris.

MK felt a silicone hand in the container.

What did you make of this task?

-By-Bigg Mzansi

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